This sweet boy’s life did not start in the lap of luxury. At a young age, two years or less, he has already experienced the ugly side of homelessness. As a vagrant, he was found wandering aimlessly in city streets looking for a secure place to nurse his head injury. He touched the heart of a compassionate person who took him to a local municipal shelter in the hope he would be released to a rescue group and have his wounds tended to.
Two days later, a rescue picked him up and took him directly to their veterinarian where he stayed overnight for hydration, pain control and antibiotics. He was also given a name, Ernie. How did Ernie acquire this eye injury? Was it in a dog fight? Did a car hit him causing major trauma to his eye? A bloody crust covered his entire left eye with purulent drainage indicating that the wound was already several days old. The unfortunate diagnosis revealed that the eye was no longer viable; therefore, the best outcome for the dog was an enucleation. His sight will not be affected, and he will live a normal life with just one eye.The surgery was scheduled for the following day. The operation was successful. Ernie was able to go home to his foster parent that same day, who will oversee his recovery. He is given paid medication and antibiotics. He already has a post-op appointment scheduled in the next few days.
It is reported that he eats like a horse. He is underweight at just 7 lbs. The analgesics are performing their function, as he is relaxing, appreciating his new fate. He has already been vaccinated and tested negative for heartworms. At his recheck, an appointment will be made for his neuter surgery.
Ernie is just one an a long list of statistics. So many animals are in need of medical help and caring homes. Thank goodness for all these small, volunteer, selfless rescue organizations. Without their compassion, their passion for animals, so many would never have the opportunity to experience love and security from their human pack.
If you care to make a donation to help with Ernie’s medical and surgical costs, please click on Animals Abused & Abandoned here.