On Craigslist was an advertisement for horses for sale. A lady went to see these horses as she was looking to purchase one for herself to ride for pleasure. To her dismay, they all were in very poor condition. All very neglected. So, what do you do when you don’t know which one to save?
Easy. You buy the whole lot of them. All eight of them! She would have taken a few more, but the owner was unwilling to part with some. The rumor is that these horses were originally bought at an auction by horse traders hoping to make a quick profit. Included in the rescued group is a paint colt, Shilo, maybe 6-7 months old and a pregnant mare, Jackie Bee, about 9-10 months along.
Taking on these eight horses requires a heavy investment in money and time for this small rescue organization and there is hard work ahead. They need fresh quality hay and an enriched food supplement called Total Equine, to help these very hungry and under-weight horses get back to their normal weight.
Shilo, the beautiful young paint stallion, will be gelded in a few months. Jackie Bee, the pregnant mare, will require special attention until she foals.
All of them will not only require physical rehabilitation, but time and gentle care to recover from the emotional damage they suffered from their previous owners. They will learn to trust humans again, and, during that process, will also be saddle trained to prepare them for their next owners and forever homes.
Your kind donation will help give these innocent horses a second chance at a decent and productive life. It will pay for vet examinations and treatments, fresh hay and supplements, vaccinations, deworming, dental cleaning and medication, and hooves trimmed and medicated.
Please click on this link to make your donation and help Animals Abused & Abandoned fund these minimal recovery costs.